Well im away from home at the moment so I dont have the screen grabs that I have from building the pitch so expect to see a post in a couple of weeks that talks a little about the process of doing it and links to the 2 pitch that I made.
I split the pitch in two. so that I could make one colabarotive pitch with my course mate simon about our preposed mobile website, and a pitch about my personal video which I would make for Meadowlands.
As I dont have Keynote or powerpoint on my computer I decided to make my presentation using google docs. the advantage of this is that I can embeded it easily here,
The second to last slide contains the proof of concept video that I made to demonstrate my ideas. here it is linked bigger.
I was pretty happy with how this turned out. The feedback which I got was:
- The first Shot has to be chosen carefully to convay a message. or should be too fast for recognition but still for a reason.
- Ask myself why have I used each piece of footage? and what it brings to the video.
- Keep the Framing elements and more them stronger and more inportant.
- I could film some footage of the meadowlands site and apply effects to it to fake it.
- Think of how the shots transition.
- The band names should be first.
- The Meadowlands logo should not be edited and I should not edit with the colour so much.
We already knew from the first meeting that there would be a day at yellowfish studios where we could film some of the bands playing at meadowlands.
We had to split these two tasks between us and because I was quite keen on making more films I chose to not put myself forward for more inportant rolls with building the site.
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