"The Bauhaus is the most celebrated art school of modern times...
During its brief existence the Bauhaus - for better or worse - precipitated a revolution in art education whose influence is still felt today. Every student now pursuing a 'foundation course' at an art school has the Bauhaus to thank for it. Every art school which offers studies of materials, colour theory and three-dimensional design is indebted in some degree to the educational experiments carried out in germany some eight decades ago. everyone sittin on a chair with a tubular frame, using an adjustable reading lamp or living in a house partly or entirely constructed from pre fabricated elements is benefitting (or suffering) from a revolution in design largely brough about by the Bauhaus. In the words of Wolf von Eckardt, the Bauhaus 'created the patterns and set teh standards of present-day industrial design; it helped to invent modern architecture; it altered the look of everything from the chair you are sitting in."
you are going to produce a box that, like a time capsule, will give anyone who
delves into it an insight into the designer or design movement that it is themed
around. You will design and produce every element of the box, the surface and
content, using appropriate visual language based on research.
you will produce:-
- A measured box with a designed surface (either wrapped, covered or printed) and labeling.
- At least one poster (A3) full colour.
- A folding leaflet full colour.
- N essay with full referencing and bibliography presented as an A5 booklet.
- Illustrations as postcards (full colour front face, to colour or black and white back).
the main mark for this project will come from the poster.
initial thoughts on theme
- Bauhaus
- Dadaism
- futurism
then i created outlines of the text with shift+ctrl+o. i moved and rotated each of the letters so they sat roughly where they should end up.
then using the direct select tool and the join points command (ctrl+j) i edited each of the letter forms to be more of the shape that i wanted. at this point i increased the tracking in so as not to lose length.
then i made further adjustments to the characters with; the direct select tool, the convert anchor point tool (shift+c) and the join command to add the curves to the letters. it took quite a long time to get the relationship between the characters correct. i used the transform each command (ctrl+shift+alt+d) reducing the scale, to reduce the o's counter.
to restore the weight balance between the characters i went through and added a black stroked to each of the characters.
i then increased the tracking again and added little electricity effects around the word.
for the stroke i duplicated the text layer and put it behind the original. then i made all of the characters into one compound path (ctrl+8). i added a very large stroke to the patch giving me the boarder around the letters.
the final changed involved fixing a few places where i had missed joining paths together which where making the stroke look strange and changing the text to white as that is the colour that sweet packaging text appears.
- Venoms
- Shockers
- Droolers
- Stingers
i have a tag line:
" Super Power Sour Candy!!"i will develop further as i feel it dose not flow well currently.
the flavors that my packaging will have are important because it will help me chose a swatch to complement the colours of the sweets, also because the sweets will be featured on the box.
here are some existing flavors used
all the diffrent verities of skittles and there packaging colour (source)
Fruit pastels use the following flavors lemon, lime, strawberry, blackcurrent and orange. (source).Original Fruit Skittles, Red Package, Lemon (yellow), Lime (green), Orange (orange), Strawberry (red), and Grape (purple).
.Tropical Skittles, Light Blue Package, Mango Tangelo (orange), Kiwi Lime (green), Strawberry Starfruit (pink), Banana Berry (yellow), Pineapple Passion Fruit (blue)
.Wild Berry Skittles, Purple Package, Raspberry (blue), Wild Cherry (red), Strawberry (pink), Berry Punch (violet), Melon Berry (green)
.Crazy Cores, Orange Package, Mango Peach (peach with orange core), Cherry Lemonade (red with yellow core), Strawberry Watermelon (green with pink core), Melon Berry (pink with greencore), Blue Raspberry Lemon (blue with yellow core)
.Tart-N-Tangy Skittles, Bright Green
.Sour Skittles, Green, Sour Blue Raspberry (blue), Sour Lemon (yellow), Sour Strawberry (pink), Sour Orange (orange), Sour Watermelon (red), Sour Green Apple (green)
blue red and green are all popular boys colours so i will include them. i will then also yellow ,because of the sour connotations. my final colour purple; which will allow me more interesting flavors.
(there is repetition where the locations of elements changes often)
- the whole box are in bold colours purple orange green and red are popular; yellow and green for sour products.
- gradient backgrounds are sometimes used to create a more dynamic feeling.
- the product name needs to be a size that will allow it to fit on the top, bottom and sides of the packaging.
- the shape of the boxes are rectangular with a depth around 1/3 of there height
- they are sized so they fit comfortably in your hand and pocket. (unless its a large box in which case they are the right size to be on a bookshelf; i will not however be making a large box)
- each box has a website
- brand name
- product name
- illustration of the sweet: all flavors in the box are represented
- occasionally illustrated characters
- weight
- flavor
- flavor text with information about the product
- depth is created so the front elements appear close
- the back is sometimes a direct copy of the front or the front changed from a horisontal to verticel
- parent company branding
- additional rights
- nutritional information per 100g
- ingredients; because the products are sometimes shipped across multiple countries you often get the ingredients in several languages.
- best before date
- bar code
- flavor information
- bin packaging logo
- recycle logo
- large boxes contain word searches or other fun activities
- some form of despeseing flap
- opening instructions
- product name
- brand logo
- because of the way these products are displayed in the box the bottom is not visible so there is often just the product name and brand logo
- bar code
left & right
- these two are interchangeable which ever one dose not have the information will often have just the brand logo and product name on it
- ingredients (only in one language if found on the side)
- bar code
- product name
- brand logo
- flavor information
we here at Scaife's have family values, excitement and adventure at our heart. we strive to create wonderful, bizzare, outragious and deliously tasty products for children all around the uk to enjoy and talk about and for them we promiss never to be boring.
- Legible
- bold
- warm
- clean
- an interesting detail that sets it apart from others
- clear curves (because of the characters in Scaifes)
- San-serif
i have decided that before i make my product and brand identity i need to write a mission statement. the aim of doing this is to make sure that my product has a unified feel by setting out some global aims that the product should do.
Haribo prides itself on the high quality of its confectionery and are proud of the fact that all our UK bagged products are now free from artificial colours. Check out the green flash on pack.
We are also actively working to ensure all our products contain only natural flavours as soon as we possibly can. This is a lengthy process but one which is a top priority alongside ensuring we continue to offer the same high quality products our consumers know and love from the Haribo brand.
At Haribo we go to great lengths to ensure that all our marketing is conducted in a responsible manner. We have never positioned our products as anything other than an enjoyable treat. Haribo is not to be consumed as a meal substitute but should be consumed as part of an active, balanced lifestyle.
We here at Scaifes have family values, excitment and adventure at our heart.We strive to create wonderful, bizzare, outragious and deliously tasty products for children all around the uk to enjoy and talk about and for them we promiss never to be boring.
the Haribo logo is much more basic than the Wonka one. it uses a large rounded san-serif font with a curved bevel effect and a strong white stroke. the simple use of colours makes it eye catching and instantly recognizable. it would also be easy for children to read. i feel Haribo is aimed at a younger audience than what i am aiming for. but its strong use of primary colours i can use.
another point that is worth mentioning is that on Haribo packaging the brand logo uses a large amount of space and is a main element. where as the Wonka logo occupies a smaller space typical to the top left of the product name. i can balance this ratio later but when designing my brand name i need to make sure that is not so intricate to lose strength at smaller sizes.
Wonka is a children sweets company owned by Nestlé. its name is from the Charlie and the Chocolate factory license. i really like the styling that the Wonka brand uses. the logo uses a classic rich purple which is associated with the colour of the suit that the character Willy Wonka wears. they use an elaborate font that make it look mystical and alluring to children.
current logo
old logo
"As consumers continue to make choices regarding foods and beverages they consume, Nestlé helps provide selections for all individual taste and lifestyle preferences."looking at this and the products Wonka produce, i can see that Wonka is made to aim to the life styles and tastes of young children especially boys. i will replicate this target audience as i find that area of sweets the most interesting and feel i will make a more interesting end product.
their range of products is a wide range, mainly consisting of Candie, each of their titles are done in a large block lettering with heavy strokes and drop shadows. the names of the products are Onomatopoeic.
- sour skittles
- skittles
- starburst
- fruit pastels
- nerds
- toxic wastes
- jelly tots
- haribo; tangfantastic, star mix, strawbs, cola bottles, fizzy cola bottles
- wham bar
- vimto bar
- refreshers
- love hearts
Briefit was also stated that i can not use AI (Adobe Illustrator) features such as live trace in order to place photo quality images in my work.
Use vectors to create an illustration of and original product box with graphically designed packaging, such as a soap box, cereal box, washing powder box etc, substituting your name for the product name.
research the context of your design before you begin the design process. use a range of Adobe illustrator techniques and processes to make the images of the box into a three dimensional space, then rework and resave your files into other sizes and formats.
identifying and implementing Visual language into my project is a very important feature.
initial thoughts
- i need to make something that will be easy to draw
- well researched in order to fill up the sides
- high end product would allow me more negative space
- kids cereal would look the most professional with vector images
- real images can be used as visual guides so i can try make a "real hand" (thunder birds joke)
- innocent smoothie has minimal intresting packaging.
i had throught about doing Gardens for my theme because they have lots of intresting features in them but i was not able to get accses to enough of them to make any truly intresting images.
unlike the QTVRs that i will be making this one is of a painted image. therefore there are no errors in it. all the odd perspective that it shows are chosen by the artist to try and solve the problem of painting a continuos 360°.
i really like the far left section of this image because of the distance, it apears calming.
http://www.360spin.co.uk/is a website that produces QTVRs for clients to upload on there websites. in there protfolio has a large range of QTVRs of intresting locations. one of my favorats taken in the ITV studio in leeds of the Countdown studio
i find it cool to be able to look at the studio of a well known tv program and get a feel of how it is filmed. the perspective in this one is very strange, when looking at the center desk it seems like it is shrunk in the middle. this is likley because of the effects of paralax. there are a few faults in the crowd in this QTVR this is because when stitching images together moving elements will not fit together seamlessly becuse would you belive it they have moved! it is very obvious if you look at the lady talking to the audience she is blured, not much of her exsists and her feet comeout at strange angles. to aviode this happening in my QTVRs i will try to stay away from busy places and people. if i did need to have a person in my image i would make sure that they are in the center of the frame so that i do not need to overlap any section of the image with people in.
http://www.fullscreenqtvr.com/ is another website that displas QTVRs from multiple websites, unlike 360 spin they do not sell the service. here i found a link to a QTVR created on the Apollo 17 mission
this is an incredible image allowing you to see what it is really like on the moon is very strange. this piece really embodies the use of QTVRs as imersive pieces of media.
"QuickTime Virtual Reality delivers a photorealistic virtual reality experience...QuickTime VR comes in two distinct flavors - panoramas and object movies... A QTVR panorama let's you stand in a virtual place and look around. it generally provides a full 360° panorama and the ability to tilt up and down about 120°"
Excerpt is page 614 from:
Guil,S (2004), QuickTime for the Web: For Windows and Macintosh (3rd edition), Morgan Kaufmann Publishers: San Fransisco
i will not be making an object QTVR so i will not bother talking about it. we have also been told today that our essays will have to use the Harvard Citation System.
now hopefully you wont be lost when i talk about QTVRs. just in case here is an example.
"QuickTime Virtual Reality delivers a photorealistic virtual reality experience...QuickTime VR comes in two distinct flavors - panoramas and object movies... A QTVR panorama let's you stand in a virtual place and look around. it generally provides a full 360° panorama and the ability to tilt up and down about 120°"
Excerpt is page 614 from:
Guil,S (2004), QuickTime for the Web: For Windows and Macintosh (3rd edition), Morgan Kaufmann Publishers: San Fransisco
i will not be making an object QTVR so i will not bother talking about it. we have also been told today that our essays will have to use the Harvard Citation System.
now hopefully you wont be lost when i talk about QTVRs. just in case here is an example.
Produce at least two QuickTime VR movies using a camera, Photoshop and a piece of Jpg to .mov stitching software such as Real Viz Stitcher.
You should take all the Photographs yourself in two to three locations to make at least two combined images (long shaped images) which will be constructed in Photoshop.
You may, if it helps you, form a vague narrative or theme between the images and the following is a list of suggestions:
Chase or follow
Scene of a Crime
Tourist Guide
Day in a Life
Sense of location
it was made clear during class that i should try produce 3 QTVRs and that having a strongly linked theme would increase my grade. with this in mind i tried to come up with a few ideas for a rough theme that i could use:
- Advert
- Where's Wally (Waldo)
- Portrayal of mood or feeling
- People spelling words with there bodies
- creating a story using hand dawn elements in Photoshop
i also tried to think of a few idea of interesting places to take the images but i don't think that is as important as this stage because i need the theme to fit the location, the ideas i had in mind where:
- Underpass
- small cluttered shop
- room
- Internet cafe/LAN arena
i took the practice images in my room and have already found one problem, which is because my room is quite small the images only display a small amount of the room (i will explain in more detail when i upload the image). to stop this happening again i need to shoot in more spacious areas.
i have just started a two year course at Brighton University studying Digital Media Design (fda). I'm doing this course at the Lewes campus. One of the first things we had to do was set up this blog which will be used as an additional method of assessment.
you will find all my projects that i undertake over the next two years posted on here as i work through them from start to finish. you can find links to the blogs of the other people on my course here.
if you have just stumbled across this blog be sure to come back and tell me what you think!