so the product dose not have a name yet but I'm developing one. the ideas so far are
- Venoms
- Shockers
- Droolers
- Stingers
i want it to have a subtle super hero feel. but i am not getting marked on being able to think up good names so i will develop this after other visual elements.
i have a tag line:
" Super Power Sour Candy!!"
i will develop further as i feel it dose not flow well currently.
Flavorthe flavors that my packaging will have are important because it will help me chose a swatch to complement the colours of the sweets, also because the sweets will be featured on the box.
here are some existing flavors used
all the diffrent verities of skittles and there packaging colour
(source).Original Fruit Skittles, Red Package, Lemon (yellow), Lime (green), Orange (orange), Strawberry (red), and Grape (purple).
.Tropical Skittles, Light Blue Package, Mango Tangelo (orange), Kiwi Lime (green), Strawberry Starfruit (pink), Banana Berry (yellow), Pineapple Passion Fruit (blue)
.Wild Berry Skittles, Purple Package, Raspberry (blue), Wild Cherry (red), Strawberry (pink), Berry Punch (violet), Melon Berry (green)
.Crazy Cores, Orange Package, Mango Peach (peach with orange core), Cherry Lemonade (red with yellow core), Strawberry Watermelon (green with pink core), Melon Berry (pink with greencore), Blue Raspberry Lemon (blue with yellow core)
.Tart-N-Tangy Skittles, Bright Green
.Sour Skittles, Green, Sour Blue Raspberry (blue), Sour Lemon (yellow), Sour Strawberry (pink), Sour Orange (orange), Sour Watermelon (red), Sour Green Apple (green)
Fruit pastels use the following flavors
blackcurrent and
(source)blue red and
green are all popular boys colours so i will include them. i will then also
yellow ,because of the sour connotations. my final colour
purple; which will allow me more interesting flavors.