"The Bauhaus is the most celebrated art school of modern times...
During its brief existence the Bauhaus - for better or worse - precipitated a revolution in art education whose influence is still felt today. Every student now pursuing a 'foundation course' at an art school has the Bauhaus to thank for it. Every art school which offers studies of materials, colour theory and three-dimensional design is indebted in some degree to the educational experiments carried out in germany some eight decades ago. everyone sittin on a chair with a tubular frame, using an adjustable reading lamp or living in a house partly or entirely constructed from pre fabricated elements is benefitting (or suffering) from a revolution in design largely brough about by the Bauhaus. In the words of Wolf von Eckardt, the Bauhaus 'created the patterns and set teh standards of present-day industrial design; it helped to invent modern architecture; it altered the look of everything from the chair you are sitting in."
