quite early on when thinking about colour I thought of using copper as a potential theme for the colour. I like this idea because of the natural associations it has while not being the obvious colours. I also think it fits well with the colours which M&S already use.

I went on kuler and had a search for colour themes around the key word copper. below are some of the nice ones I found. I'm wary about using the brown colours as I'm not sure if they will have negative connotations of dirt and waste (though the waste Plan A category dose not have to be the brown).

5 really has the copper colours that I imagined, especially the first teal. It dose seam a little heavy on the green. I would replace the darker green with a gold colour like from 7 and more the final orange colour in 5 more like the orange from 8 and 9.

I quickly put those suggestions together in photoshop and made myself pallet for the 5 colours I will use. I may still come back and tweek this slightly at a later date if needed however.


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