our tutor the other day suggested that we come up with several brands and then think what connotations the brands invoke, and what there target audiences are. in my eyes this is clearly the best way to start is with the brand rather than the style which you want to work in. this is because that is the way the industry dose it so i should keep myself in that habit. if i start with several brands then i will have a large selection of styles and brands to choose from and can pick something which interests me.
thought the brief talks about part one, where you create large pieces of art and textures to use in and inspire the advert it dose not say that we can not have an idea on where we want to go to start with. this means that i can come up with the idea then work using a large variety of media to explore possible outcomes and styles.

that said i did have a few ideas from the start;

  • I'm a big fan of imperfections and wanted to have lots of little imperfect details such as creases, pen slips, going over the lines, de-synced printer heads.

  • Over Head Projectors have a great weathered look to them and I would quite like to do some experimenting with them in order to have some of there feeling in my advert.

  • Screen printing interests me at the moment, so much so that i intend to do a course on it in the new year. i would like to be able to replicate it realistically on the computer.

  • the word artisan came to mind when i heard the brief because while it dose talk about the examples having a rustic feel. handmaid objects and be very elegant and clean.

  • i would like to maybe do something in a different style to how i approach things normally, clean lines and simplicity. maybe do something very 90's post modern like Stefan Sagmeister's AIGA Detroit poster.

  • at the start of the last project i thought of Saul Bass but i didn't use anything of his to inspire me. this project would be great to have something inspired by him.

  • i would quite like to do something in a paper cut out style like something like this poster by Chermayeff & Geismar,


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